Organizing a party can be daunting, but so can attending one. Talking to friends and strangers alike can be a nerve-wracking experience, and it can be important to ensure that the conversation flows smoothly. Although it can be a difficult task to keep things light and pleasant, there are topics that should be avoided at all costs at a party.

Controversial Topics

When in polite company, it’s best to refrain from talking about any hot button issues that can ignite strong emotions and cause dissonance. This includes politically charged topics that are often embedded in public discourse, such as abortion, immigration, gun control, or the death penalty. Partisan debates can twist a party into an uncomfortable situation quickly, so it’s wise to steer clear of arguments related to contentious issues. Additionally, any subject matter that is racially insensitive or offensive should also be avoided at all costs.

Gossip and Rumors

It’s always a good idea to avoid talks of gossip and rumors when attending a party. Spreading rumors can quickly devolve into hurtful conversations and may lead to ruining someone’s reputation. Additionally, discussing tabloid-level gossip can put a damper on the evening and make people feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. Instead of focusing on hearsay and untruths, keep the conversation focused on topics that are positive.

Money and Finances

When at a party, it’s best to leave all conversations related to money and finances out of the mix. As money is such a sensitive topic, discussing it in a social setting can make people feel like they are being judged or compared to others. Additionally, talking about money only serves to heighten class disparities, as there can be an undercurrent of comparing one another’s financial status. It’s better to err on the side of caution and spare everyone any uneasiness.

Work-Related Conversations

Although many people spend most of their lives working, it doesn’t mean it’s okay to talk about work at a party. Work-related conversations can be tiring for other people attending the party, as it can make them feel like they are in a business meeting or team-building seminar. It’s best to steer clear from any discussions of business strategies or corporate hierarchies and opt for more lighthearted conversations.

Religion and Spirituality

It is often considered poor etiquette to discuss religious or spiritual beliefs at parties. Not only is this topic prone to producing uncomfortable disagreements between different belief systems, but it can also make others attending the party feel like they are being judged or compelled to accept someone else’s views. In essence, it is generally accepted that faith-related topics should be left at the door when attending a get-together.

Personal Health Issues

Partygoers should avoid talking directly about their general health and medical issues, as this could be embarrassing for others attending the gathering. Discussing one’s mental health struggles in particular can be an uncomfortable topic, as it could suggest that one is seeking pity or attention. Additionally, going into too much detail about physical pain or medical conditions can make those around them feel uneasy.

Uncomfortable Jokes

It should go without saying that jokes or anecdotes with racial or sexual undertones should be off the table when engaging in conversations at a party. Not only can these types of conversations make people feel extremely uncomfortable, but they can also have implications for the atmosphere at the gathering as a whole. It’s sensible to refrain from any attempts at humor that could be considered offensive and many times jokes that contain a touch of sarcasm are best left out too.

Negative Experiences

It doesn’t take a social butterfly to understand that a party needs positive vibes in order to be enjoyable. Talking about negative experiences people have gone through in the past can bring down the mood of the group quickly. Refrain from comments or stories regarding difficult times, as these tend to make others feel uncomfortable or may even trigger traumatic experiences for some people.

Social Media Drama

Avoid conversations of any sort related to social media when attending a gathering. This may include talking about ex-partners, feuds and squabbles, or stalking other members of the group in the digital realm. Social media should never be discussed in depth at a party and such conversations should be kept brief and surface level at most.

Excessive Complaining

People tend to complain out of habit without realizing how detrimental this behavior can be in social settings. Whining about anything from traffic to the weather should be avoided, as too much complaining may reflect negatively on one’s character and cause the people around them to become irritated. Instead of focusing on what has gone wrong throughout the day, shift the conversation towards heartfelt discussions and funny moments.

Badmouthing Others

Criticizing someone behind their back is one of the worst things one can do when engaging in conversation at a party. Refrain from speaking ill of someone who isn’t present, as this may cause issues if they show up unexpectedly. Talk of celebrities one may not care for or relatives one holds grudges against should also not be brought up at a get-together.

Inappropriate Touching

Attending a party does not grant license for inappropriate conduct. Physical contact such as hugging someone without permission or touching someone other than one’s partner in an intimate manner should not be tolerated. Establishing physical boundaries should be made clear before any party begins, which ensures everyone feels safe and respected during their attendance.

Avoid These Topics for a Fun Party

Making sure conversations remained respectful and dignified when attending a gathering is paramount in order for everyone to have an enjoyable time. Refrain from discussing controversial topics, as this often threatens peace between different belief systems. Additionally, money, work, religion, personal health, uncomfortable jokes, negative experiences, social media drama, excessive complaining, badmouthing others, and inappropriate touching are all topics which should be avoided whenever possible at parties.