Turning a certain age means that you deserve to be celebrated and what better way to do it than with a birthday party? But with any kind of gathering, there are certain rules that should be followed in order to maintain a pleasant atmosphere that everyone can enjoy. So if you’re planning on attending a friend’s birthday party or if you’ve been invited, here are some things you should definitely not do.

Don’t Bring Uninvited Guests

It goes without saying that if you’re invited to the birthday party, you should respect the invitation and not bring anyone else. If it’s an intimate gathering and numbers are limited, or if the host has asked that nobody else be invited, make sure to just bring yourself. Bringing an uninvited guest can affect the dynamics of the party and could make other guests feel uncomfortable when their presence wasn’t planned for. Plus, it could make the host feel awkward so it’s always best to check in with them before bringing someone with you.

Avoid Embarrassing the Birthday Person

It can be tempting to embarrass your friend with an embarrassing toast for their birthday, but make sure to tone it down. Birthdays are a time for celebration and good memories, so although jokes may be fun, you’ll want to think about how your words will make your friend feel. Acknowledge the fact that they have changed and grown since the last time you saw them, or share a special memory that they won’t forget. Not only will they appreciate it, but it will be a moment that all the other guests will enjoy as well.

Refrain from Disruptive Behavior

Although you may be excited to see your old friends, it’s important to stay composed and not be too loud or disruptive. While some silliness is okay, make sure to keep your jokes appropriate and don’t be overly aggressive. Let the birthday person take control of the conversation and make sure to stay respectful of the other guests. If you find yourself getting carried away, take a breather and remind yourself of the importance of having a good time without bothering those around you.

Avoid Overindulging in Alcohol

Nothing kills the mood of a good time quicker than too much alcohol. Even if the birthday party is held at a bar or nightclub, it’s important to practice moderation when it comes to drinking. Not only can overindulging in alcohol impair your decision making skills, but it can also make other guests uncomfortable. If you must have a drink, it’s best to stick with one or two drinks over an extended period of time rather than having too many too quickly.

Don’t Overstay Your Welcome

Once the party starts winding down, it’s time for you to do the same. Even if you’re having a great time, make sure to not be one of those guests who stay too long and outstay their welcome. Thank the host for inviting you and say your goodbyes before everybody else has left. This not only shows your appreciation for their hospitality but also gives the host a chance to wind down before starting the cleanup process.

Don’t Ignore the Rules of the Host

People host parties for different reasons and it’s important to be aware of the different rules set in place by the host. Make sure to take note of any restrictions they have regarding smoking, drinking, or uninvited guests. If these rules are broken, not only can you make other guests uncomfortable or put yourself in danger but it could also ruin the atmosphere of the event. Respect the host’s wishes and abide by whatever guidelines they’ve established for the benefit of everyone.

Don’t Overshare on Social Media

If social media wasn’t around, we wouldn’t have to worry about oversharing on our accounts. As tempting as it is to post photos and updates from the party, keep in mind that not everyone wants their picture shared online or for certain moments to be documented for all to see. Ask your friends for permission before posting anything and make sure it stays within a general level of appropriateness, allowing everyone to enjoy a private moment as well.

Respect Others’ Privacy

A birthday isn’t just about celebrating someone’s life and achievements but also being mindful of each other’s feelings. Before talking too openly about personal matters or making invasive jokes, step back and think about how it might affect those around you. Maybe someone doesn’t celebrate their birthday or doesn’t like being celebrated at all, giving them space and understanding their feelings can make all the difference.

Don’t Be Rude to Other Guests

It can be easy to forget other people present at a birthday party so don’t let invitations stop at just the birthday person. Treat everyone that attends as if it were their own special day by keeping an open mind and having pleasant conversations with all guests. Go out of your way to introduce yourself and ask about their lives, even if you don’t know them well. Making sure everyone feels welcome and included is sure to make for a great party.

Avoid Gossiping or Complaining

Gossiping is never appropriate and shouldn’t have a place at a birthday party. Steer clear of talking badly about others and instead keep conversations positive. If there are any issues between guests, do not air them out at this time as it can create an unpleasant atmosphere and ruin somebody’s special day. Do your best not to complain if something isn’t quite up to your standards but rather take what the night has in store.

Be Mindful of Dietary Restrictions

Many people attending birthday parties may have different dietary restrictions or allergies so be sure to ask your host about what types of food will be served before arriving. Offer to bring dishes for them to enjoy as well, knowing that certain diets may need special considerations kept in mind. Also, if someone at the party has specific dietary needs, try to be mindful when talking about food as some people may be uncomfortable mentioning that they can’t eat something.

Don’t Bring Gifts That Are Inappropriate or Offensive

Birthday presents are meant to be thoughtful so choose something thoughtful depending on who is receiving it. Avoid bringing presents that could be deemed offensive or inappropriate like something overly sexual or religious as this could cause offense unintentionally. Do your research ahead of time and your gift should be an easy hit at the party.

Respect the Venue and its Rules

If you’re attending a private party at another person’s home or rented location, make sure to respect the venue by keeping things tidy and not trashing anything. Respectful behavior should almost go without saying but keep in mind that your time there should not take away from the enjoyment that other guests may have. This means no taking things that aren’t yours without permission and following any additional house rules established by the host.

Don’t Show Up Late or Leave Early

Being punctual is important when attending any event and especially for a birthday party as this shows your respect for other people’s time. Try to show up early so that you don’t miss any essential festivities or activities planned by the host. The same goes for leaving early as this could disrupt someone’s special day.

Follow Proper Etiquette When Taking Photos

Taking pictures at any gathering is always proper etiquette as long as they are allowed by the host and all attendees give consent. Before taking out your camera or smartphone, let everyone know that you will be snapping a few photos so that people can adjust themselves as needed. On top of that, be mindful of any flash photography that could cause people discomfort. Once photos are taken, offer prints to everyone in attendance for them to enjoy after.

Remembering these tips will help ensure that everyone will feel comfortable at any birthday party. As long as everyone follows these guidelines, it will make for an enjoyable atmosphere that everybody can appreciate and cherish.